~* september 2023 trend Forecast *~

hello and welcome to a new segment. will it be monthly? will it be nonsense? only time will tell!

with the help of both bogglemancy and tarot i’ve forecasted quick potential ~themes~ for the next month.

if you’re wondering what bogglemancy is, check out this introduction

boggle board, letters going from each column are:
T O R Y S / E L E T M / E O F R T / S E D O T / X A N O U
Three black and white tarot cards from The Hermetic Tarot: Eight of Wands reversed, King of Wands, and Ace of Cups. The following card image descriptions are from the deck:

Eight of wands. Lord of Swiftness. Four angelic hands issue from clouds; each hand grasps two wands. Flames issue from the different points of juncture. The arrow wands pertain the Sagittarius. Placed in the center at the top and bottom of the card are the symbols of Mercury and Sagittarius. Two small wands, separated and burning, also appear at the top and bottom of the card. The card pertains to the first decan of Sagittarius ruled by Mercury, thus Mercury in Sagittarius, 1-10 degrees. Angels Nithahiah and Haayah.

King of Wands. Prince of the Chariot of Fire. Airy part of fire. A kingly figure with a golden rayed crown and large white wings sits in a chariot drawn by a lion. The king wears a corselet and bears the Phoenix wand of the Second Adept, the wand of great power and energy. Beneath the chariot are flames, and from above appears his crest of a winged lion’s head. In front of the lion are the symbols for Cancer and Leo. Rules from above the last decan of Cancer to the second decan of Leo.

Ace of Cups. Lord of the Root of the Powers of Water. The symbol at the upper right is Kether in Water. A radiant white angelic hand issues from clouds and supports on its palm a large cup from which rise fountains of clear and glistening water. The spray falls on all sides into the clear, calm water below where lotuses and water lilies grow.

~ *The Results* ~

3min Song Shufflemancy: Should I Stay or Should I Go? by The Clash

Words Found: sex, try, rot, tory, trod, Sean, loft, left, sole, ELO, nor, tort, trot, doe, rode, rod, Mr. Sax, frot

Themes: FOMO, heightened focus on delays, sexual expression to soothe frustrations of all kinds, steam rooms & saunas, healing springs, traffic to and from bodies of water, oases, new quelling/restorative connection(s)

Mr. Sax from the video game Rayman. A cartoon depiction of a saxophone looking angry with feet and a hand twisted into a fist. On the top, it says Evil-doer. image from Villains Wiki

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